Jun 19, 2012

Vegetarian "mosquitoes" of the salt marsh

There is a marsh insect that leads a mosquito-like lifestyle, but in a vegetarian fashion. Aptly named Draeculacephala, a Dracula-like headed leafhopper, he is a harmless fellow, at least to vertebrates. Like the mosquito, he sucks the fluid from inside a living thing, a plant. Like the mosquito, Draeculacephala leafhoppers transmit diseases, plant viruses, some of them fatal to the host. Like the mosquitoes whose bites can seriously hurt an animal if delivered en mass, large number of Draeculacephala can inhibit the growth of grass species they feed on by as much as 50%. Unlike the mosquito, both sexes of leafhoppers hunt for and derive their nourishment from plant juices (only female mosquitoes take blood strictly for egg production, and both sexes feed on nectar).

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